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      Sustainability and Energy Efficiency


      The future will be green, or it won't be

      As Consultants in Sustainability and Energy Efficiency, at Valmesa we have the clear purpose of being managers of change in companies, promoting the sustainable DNA of organizations.

      Those companies that bet on sustainability first will be better able to respond to the needs of their users, will be more efficient in terms of energy consumption and emissions and will lead their sectors generating a positive and lasting impact for society and the environment in a present that will be green or not.


        We help you to achieve your goals

        Energy audit

        It supports an energy review and facilitates monitoring, measurement and analysis, described in ISO 50001, or used independently.

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        Energy management

        Our energy management system will provide you with: energy and economic savings, monitoring of energy costs and control of energy resources.

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        Energy Map

        The Energy Map of Spain is a tool developed by Valmesa Data that allows you to check the energy classification of homes in the different Autonomous Communities of any municipality or census section. Undoubtedly a very useful tool to know all the records of the different Autonomous Communities and compare how sustainable the homes are in Spain.

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        Carbon Footprint

        It provides all the information on CO2 emissions produced, directly or indirectly, by business activity. The study of the Carbon Footprint is accompanied by a reduction plan, registration with the Ministry for Ecological Transition and obtaining quality seals:

        Calculation – Reduction – Offsetting

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        We want to be there to show you the steps to follow so that you manage your company efficiently and, above all, sustainably.



        We will be happy to help you in the management of energy efficiency and sustainability so that your company is efficient and effective.

          Also you can call us at + 34 965 863 700


          What is an energy audit and how is it carried out?

          An energy audit comprises an analysis of the energy performance of an organization, equipment, system(s) or process(es).


          It is based on proper measurement and observation of energy use, energy efficiency and consumption. Energy audits are planned and performed as part of identifying and prioritizing opportunities to improve energy performance, reduce energy waste, and realize related environmental benefits.


          Audit results include information on current energy consumption and performance and provide prioritized recommendations for improvement in terms of energy performance and financial benefits.


          An energy audit can support an energy review and facilitate monitoring, measurement, and analysis, described in ISO 50001, or be used independently.

          How is an energy management system carried out?

          The energy management system is based on the plan-do-check-act-plan continuous improvement framework. Incorporates energy management into existing organizational practices. The system is implemented from a previous energy audit where we obtain the current energy situation of the organization and based on this, we define our energy management system

          What is the carbon footprint and how is the ministerial seal obtained?

          The carbon footprint of an organization is the totality of greenhouse gases emitted by direct or indirect effect through the activity carried out by said organization.


          The carbon footprint is always accompanied by a carbon footprint reduction plan.


          The carbon footprint is registered in the national carbon footprint registry with the obtaining of a ministerial seal that can be used as an advertising claim, considering the organization committed to the environment. In this first phase, the CALCULATION seal is obtained and as the organization reduces its carbon footprint due to the reduction plan, the REDUCE and COMPENSATE seals will be obtained.

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